...Unique Creative Styles and Content For Animation
With the untimely disappearance of CGHub, there’s a frantic search for a site that will provide today’s Artists’ fix of new and inspiring art and Artists.

So where do we look at? Well, there are many websites that you can go and subscribe, show your portfolio, search for Artist and look at Artwork that inspires you. I will post as many of these sites here, so let’s start!

Here’s a new site launched by the same people who run ArtStation Magazine, called ArtStation Beta 1.

Similar to CGHub, they will offer a regular and a paid account (read about it here)...

They describe ArtStation Beta 1 as: “…A new community and portfolio website service for professional artists…. ArtStation Beta 1 provides artists an easy and affordable way to create portfolio websites and be discovered. The best way to describe ArtStation Beta 1 is that it takes the best of all the artist community sites you love, Tumblr and SquareSpace, and puts it in one integrated package specifically for artists…”

The reason why the site its on a “Beta” program, is, according to the site: “...Our plan was originally to get a beta out in the Summer, but with the sudden closure of CGHub, we decided to get ArtStation Beta 1 out early. As a result, this is a very early Beta and we’re expecting there to be many issues, so please bear with us. You can count on us to continually improve and evolve the site.

So remember “...To get on ArtStation Beta 1, you must be invited. We will be inviting a few thousand artists we know in April, giving each one the ability to invite friends...”

Apply for your invitation here: Invitation Request. Why not give these guys a chance, after the untimely disappearance of CGHub... what do we have to loose?
